Voluntary Committed Solidarity Project (V.E.S)

Since 2013, the MJC Anatole France invites and encourages young people to participate in volunteer projects.

What is V.E.S. ?


  • Commitment of the inhabitants
  • Transmission of practices and knowledge
  • Solidarity and mutual aid
  • Openness to others


For one or more days, participating in solidarity and useful projects allows you to discover and discover yourself.

The young people who participated came out with the desire to renew these experiences. These projects allow rich exchanges between participants and partners.


The gift and the exchange to make improbable encounters possible.

Thanks to volunteer city dwellers and committed inhabitants of Alpine municipalities, intergenerational and intercultural links can be born.

This allows discovery and enhancement of these territories.

young people

It is thanks to motivated and committed young people that these projects have been able to see the light of day.

From 3 at 25 years, it is possible to participate in its own way and at its height, in various projects taking place around the city of Grenoble.