The animation team welcomes young people from 11 at 17 years at the teenager's area Everyone at the Abry during school periods and during school holidays.
The place of reception is the local MJC located 6 rue André Abry.
The young people and the animation team have determined the following objectives :
develop a presence of the MJC in the Abry district
integrate the desires of young people into animation proposals
promote the investment of young people in projects
develop social ties between young people and with neighborhood residents
support young people in their adolescence
promote the discovery of new activities
support young people in taking initiatives
participate in the emergence of the uniqueness of each young person
bring to life the values of living together on a daily basis : solidarity, sharing, benevolence, tolerance, good mood
During school periods, Tous à l'Abry is open for educational support and free admission.
Support for schooling.
Tuesday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., young people can benefit from advice in a work-friendly environment.
Beyond a simple homework help, the objectives of this time are to support the young person in his school career :
enjoy discovering and learning
find your learning method
equip yourself effectively (how to search, how to anticipate and organize, how to make a review sheet, etc)
prepare for the rest of your journey (research studies, internship search, CV and cover letter writing, interview preparation)
Free reception
Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. is devoted to leisure and good humor. Young people can take advantage of the local leisure areas (wooden games, baby foot, video games or simply share a discussion between them, with the animators and / or with the inhabitants of the district.
If they wish, young people can also take this moment to get involved in projects, accompanied by the animation team. Just below you will find examples of projects led by young people in 2020 and 2021.
Christmas | A group has mobilized to offer residents a friendly time during the end-of-year celebrations (short stories, games, pizzas, pancakes).
To the Abry of need | A group has mobilized to set up a solidarity collection of food and hygiene products for precarious residents of the neighborhood.
During the school holidays, the Tous à l’Abry teen space is open during the week.
Young people can come and enjoy the same leisure activities as during school periods or organize themed evenings with the animation team :
screening of a sporting event
shared meal with locals
showing a film
game night
sporting activities (foot, basket, etc)
During the summer holidays, day trips can be organized for groups of 7 young people in order to offer them the opportunity to discover new natural or cultural places.
To come to the Tous à l'Abry teen area, just :
be up to date with the Youth Connection payment (5 € per year)