Extracurricular children's workshops

Responsible : Clara BREITENBACH
mail : mjcafclara@gmail.com
phone :

Home after school : after-school workshops and MAM


Our commitment : offer a range of varied and quality extracurricular activities for children

Every night after school, the MJC offers a wide choice of activities from the middle section from kindergarten to 17 years.

You will find the details of the operation of the extracurricular of MJC Anatole France in its educational project updated in 2021.

This year, various activities are offered :

Registrations are open, on the opening hours of the MJC secretariat.

Of 23 September 2024 see you on Friday 13 June 2025

Throughout the year, children have the opportunity to follow one or more workshops, to discover it and progress in a specific area over the course of the sessions. To allow them to evolve further, the year-round discovery workshops are designed to accommodate children for several years in a row and to support them in their progress.

Here are the activities offered :

Discovery workshops all year round

  • Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester : Come learn and discover the different art techniques (Paint / Sculpture / Drawing / Collage)
  • Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester : Learn strategy techniques by moving pawns.
  • Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester : Level beginners to advanced / Learn the first chords and/or come and improve your skills on the guitar. Material to be provided : Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester
  • hip dance- Hop : Thanks to urban culture, express your emotions and your creativity by discovering the multitude of styles grouped together in Hip – Hop. In a joyful and energetic spirit, take part in a choreographic dynamic of a close-knit and motivated group.
  • Judo : Game and combat martial art, judo brings you rigor and well-being, in a spirit of mutual aid : politeness, self-control and respect. Material to be provided : Kimono de judo (indicate the child's first and last name on the top and bottom of the kimono)
  • Themissed (Spring Break) : is a martial art, use both offensive and defensive techniques involving all parts of your body (mains, feet, etc) Material to be provided : karate kimono (indicate the child's first and last name on the top and bottom of the kimono)
  • Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester : On a theme chosen with the group, come and do some little science experiments to see – understand and analyze
  • Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester 5 – 7 years : Introduction to theater, first steps on stage, discovering the game… What happened? It's a bit like playing in your room or in the playground and there are plenty of other people watching us. But what are we playing ? Has thousands of games. We invent stories, characters… We laugh sometimes we cry… We visit all our emotions and we try to understand them in order to be able to play with them.. And above all we have fun playing…
  • Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester 8 – 12 years : We start by warming up with fun games like the Japanese lumberjack, the zip-zap, the throw of words , the zapping… We try to play together : listen to each other, give your opinion and think about great stories. Then we improvise on themes, we build characters. We repeat and we repeat again. To believe your story, you have to work on your eyes, diction, the body, learn to put madness or channel it. To create an incredible show, it takes some baggage and imagination, so we're going to go see professional shows, we will read other stories to draw inspiration from talented authors.. And at the end of the year, a great moment our representation… The moment we would miss for nothing in the world … The result of our year's work. We've been through all the places : from laughter to tears, going through the doubts but that's it : The public is there and they listen to you ! Your turn !
  • Piano : Beginner to intermediate level
  • Janine : Exercise your body and keep in shape by dancing to Latin music.

The first activity session being considered as a test session, children who do not wish to continue the activity therefore have the possibility of changing it at the end of it.

Discovery workshops during the semester

Semester 1 : Monday 23 September 2024 see you on Friday 31 January 2025

Semester 2 : Monday 03 February 2025 see you on Friday 13 June 2025

In order to allow children to test several activities, we suggest that they follow these during about fifteen sessions and be able to change them, or not, at the end of the semester.

  • Impression 3D : Learn about modeling objects using the computer, then the principles of 3D printing. Then the object is prepared for 3D printing by one of our printers.
  • comic drawing / Manga
  • Janine : Exercise your body and keep in shape by dancing to Latin music.

The first activity session being considered as a test session, children who do not wish to continue the activity therefore have the possibility of changing it at the end of it.

MAM late afternoon

Semester 1 : Monday 16 September 2024 see you on Friday 31 January 2025 / Semester 2 : Monday 03 February 2025 see you on Friday 20 June 2025

At the start of September 2024, MJC Anatole France is setting up a free reception children after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays; from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Children can be welcomed from 1 at 4 evenings a week.

In the program :

  • Manual workshop : Monday and Thursday -4/6 years ; Tuesday and Friday 7/10 years
  • Sports workshop : Tuesday and Friday 4/6 years ; Monday and Tuesday 7/10 years
  • Play area
  • Atelier Flash

Rate : (see fee schedule per semester)

Support for schooling

The MJC also sets up educational support slots in the evening after school for children in elementary school..

Monday – Tuesday – Thursday – Friday

From 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. for CP – CE1 – CE2

From 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. for CM1 – CM2 – 6th

Monday 7 October 2024 see you on Friday 13 June 2025

Registration begins from Monday 30 September 2024, at the MJC secretariat during opening hours.

Operation of the extracurricular of the MJC :

feet : MJC facilitators take care of children from Houille Blanche and Sidi Brahim schools as soon as they leave school at 4 p.m.. Snacks must be provided by families, children have the opportunity to take it before the start of the workshops.

La MAM : the children are lively, before or after their activities until 6.30 p.m. by the MJC leaders. In the program : homework, free games, flash activities (supervised by civic service volunteers).

To register : see the section “Practical information and documents”

Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester :

Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester : Jackie DELMART

Little architect : Jackie DELMART

Dance Hip- Hop : 38 th parallel

Drawing Comics-Manga : Quentin GUICHARD

Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester : Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester, Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester

Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester : Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester

Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester : Jean-Francois GARNIER

Impression 3D : Roger

Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester : Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester, Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester. Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester

Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester : Emmanuel RAOELINA

Piano : Thomas HIXON

The body and the mind: David CAZE

Challenge and discoveries : David CAZE

Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester : Karine of science and mischief

Beginning of registration for the 2nd semester 8/12 years : Bastien CHRETIEN and Véronique FRECHE

Theater and stories : Nadège SIDIBE

Janine : Cinthia LEDUC

Capoeïra : Generation Capoeira international

For more information, we will meet you at MJC Anatole France during the opening hours of the secretariat

Monday 16h00 – 18h45
Tuesday 16h00 – 18h45
Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. / 16h00 – 18h45
Thursday 17h00 – 18h45
Friday 16h30 – 18h15