Club Tonic 15 - 17 years

Responsable Club Tonic : Amin BOUCIREB
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Le programme des vacances de fin d’année est là :

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Club Tonic sets up a new project !

Eloquence project

Our animation team offers short stays, thematic courses (sports - cultural), the discovery of sports and artistic disciplines around the mountain or others as well as awareness of our environment.

Outside school holidays, the leisure center offers free reception or leisure outings, Wednesday and Saturday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., open to all young people from 15 at 17 years enrolled in the structure. MJC Anatole France also offers an extracurricular welcome on Mondays, mardi, Thursday and Friday from 4.30 p.m. to 7 p.m..

During the school holidays, we offer activity programs co-constructed with young people, day or half day activities (Hobbies, nature, sport, culture, health, debates etc.).
We also offer stays during the year and summer, developed with young people, discovering another environment.

In order to help our young people, we can set up tutoring workshops, learning a foreign language, help with finding an internship or discussing current affairs.

For more information, you can also read the Club Tonic educational project available just here.